Friday, August 1, 2008

good day!

today i helped three third year students (matric equivalent) with their english speeches. it was so satisfying. they are stereotypically shy except the boy one who likes to break into lion king medlies. he liked me pictures of the kruger park one hell of a lot.

i apologise for the abscence of punctuation lately. these keyboards are a little hard to navigate.

today i tried melon milk from a vending machine. it costs about five rand, comes in a 500ml cup with ice and tastes bloody great. there are about 27 other things in the vending machine i am eager to try. oh! i taught the pupils today the word eager. they liked the kruger park pictures better.

will post photos on the weekend




Anonymous said...

gamma im eager to read more posts. yay!

Anonymous said...

Tell them about Nerdsmith - it's just the thing for ESL people. They'll appreciate it, and not sneer like your sister and you. The address is:

Anonymous said...

Are these '... my pictures of the Kruger Park ...' actually MY pictures? They're not licensed under a Creative Commons license, yet!