I bunked my orientation workshops (for the most part they're a total bore) and headed to the Apple store in Ginza. I rode the tokyo subway all by myself! Shinjuku 08 to Ginza 16 on the Marunouchi Line. Although the signs and voice prompts on the subway were mostly unintelligable, I recognised certain words und understood from the syntax whether it was a command or a direction or whatever. Domo arigatou gosimasu, Jenkin-san!
Apple Ginza is THEE Apple shop in Tokyo - THEE electronic capital? Well, it didnt disappoint. The facade is so minimalist its almost invisible; like the Anti-Voldemort headquarters in J.K Rowling's London : if you dont know about it you won't see it. Inside its four storeys. The chic store-people call your order through to the appropriate floor then a lift made of 4" glass top bottom and sides wisks you silently up where another chic store person (hair north facing rather than the first floor's south easterly style) is standing waiting with your product packaged at the till. WOWEE! Supre cool.
Sadly for me I arrived at this temple of neutral wet with sweat and red-faced with my hair in every direction (but mostly southerly. wet and plastered to my face). They were kind enough to pretend that I looked how I wanted to look - in my head.
Going to Mihara tomorrow. Hopefully the light will be different there or something and I can start taking photos that aren't utterly rubbish!
I reckon if you can ride the Tokyo subway on your tod, on day two of the "first world" you can do ANYTHING regardless of what direction the hair is! Well done that Gal
nice gamma. keep le posts up. we are all gushing to know.
Deos your purchase at the Apple Store give you electricity in Mihara too, or just in Tokyo?
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