Driving into Tokyo from Narita airport (a distance equivalent to OR Thambo - Jozi) these were the things that struck me.
The green: it is lush. But with plants completely unfamiliar. Both jungly in the tropical sense and foresty in the typical northern sense. Very beautiful.
The density. Buildings really are on top of one another. And they do not stop. But they are well proportioned - small mostly with lots of diagonals and cut-aways so that, although everything is on top of everything else, they accomodate eachother and it doesnt seem claustro.
Its also very very clean.
There are several rivers running through Tokyo with barges and bridges.
The city is aesthetic and planned to the enth degree. The words that came to mind were 'Western', 'European': I think i must rethink what those words stand for. The functionality and elegance isn't a function of being European - its from being first world. So this was a new thing that I learnt.
My hotel has a lending library of umbrellas outside. You put in a deposit and then you can take a beautiful white and lilac striped brolly with an ivory handle (that matches your outfit perfectly) with you around the town. It's drizzling on and off and the sky is white with constant cloud giving everything that photoshop inner glow.
My toilet has a bum washing button.
So here I am! Bloody hell. So lekker.
i'll post something more intelligable and picture packed soon. x
OH my god. GAMMA, you are there and alive. You better update this shit every day! I hope your anus is clean.
I'm glad you took the camera, so that you can send us these uplifting insights into the real issues in Japan, without any impediment!
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