Hi. Apologies for the absence. Today was school festival - a Potted Sports type affair with copious amounts of fried chicken, lurid slushies as bright as the class t-shirts and other healthy eating options. It was great fun! I ate junk and looked at weird things made by the students. I made my own stamps out of erasers, gambled with cardboard chips and even attempted to solve mathsy brain teasers in the quiz game classroom (aided by two very patient students who had the option of thinking I was dim-witted because of the language barrier or because my maths is so very very kak, regardless of the language in which the problems are presented).
It's starting to feel like I am part of the school - not some strange interloper, easily identified by my hair colour, eye colour and aimless wandering about. I still have these traits, but they they are now a known quantity, not so strange anymore. I think that when I felt isolated and unwanted (which was most of the time I have spent here thus far, if I am honest) it was partly because in my head I was expecting certain people to like me for certain reasons. It turns that actually other people like me because of different reasons. You simply can't always choose who likes you and why they should. Another life lesson then. I prefer it when life lessons are accompanied by junk food. Junk food softens both the gut and the blow to one's ego when things, as they invariably have been doing, don't go according to plan.