Wednesday, September 3, 2008

HW pt 3: special exhibit

The Special Exhibit was a Le Corbusier extravaganza with not only building sketches and blue prints and photos but models and drawings and paintings by him too - who knew he painted? he was actually quite a good painter and a very good sculptor. The room filled with his fine arts was also filled with ultra hip hiroshima fashion types so I was too intimidated to go really close and examine the work. from afar it looked great. Analytical Cubism at its humourous best. What really did it for me was the models. Oh architectural models!! why are they so beautiful? these ones (again) were lit to perfection; the absolute best one being a cross section of an apartment in Unite de Habitation with a light box on the one side that mimicked the sun so you could see how light would fall in the kitchen or the bedroom at different times of day.

There was a dvd of the construction of some of his most famous stuff but it was in Austrian or German or something. All the hip Hiroshima people watched it diligently. Even though I could have more successfully pretended to understand what was being said, by that time I was tired and I wanted to buy things to renew my spirits. The gift shop was oddly stocked...and I could only afford post cards anyway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

iJemma,That was beautiful. I feel I have a soul mate because you are picking up on the aesthetic qualities of your adopted country and peoples. No one else saw things the way you and I do. More in an Email. Fufu.