Saturday, December 13, 2008

gunch update

Just to let you all know that Gunch is decidedly on the mend! He went to the doctor who diagnosed him with nothing more than a bit of high blood pressure. His cough is nearly gone and he is wearing a natty new winter suit.

On Monday he was called into the principal's office (I think its ridiculous that a man of 68...yes, he is 68 now, can be called into a principals office). He thought he was going to get kakked on for smoking on the property or having his motorcross buddies round for tea in the staffroom but, it turns out, the principal just wanted to make sure he was going to keep teaching next year. And, he told me he had said that, reluctantly...he would. Hehe, he's back on board! I am so delighted. He told me that its not official yet, just between him and me. I thought it would be ok to let ya'll know, what with the internet being a most discreet place.

So don't tell anyone. But my friend Gunch is staying. Yipee.